Minor (And Not So Minor) Annoyances in Bioinformatics. An Ongoing Saga
So today started out as a pretty frustrating morning due to random (not really random) failure in some analysis pipelines on some data I am trying to work on for a collaborator. The analysis has already taken far longer than expected for various reasons, some of which are my fault, and some of which aren’t. But given some of the issues that crop up I was inspired to post a little bit of a vent concerning things that end up just annoying me as a researcher in bioinformatics. Some of these are specific to today, some arent but I am putting them all here today anyway. In some cases I may call out specific software. In all cases I appreciate the work put into the tool by its developers. Often it is a tool I use a lot. Sometimes it is a specific case where it is symptomatic of larger issues in Bioinformatics software design. After all, if I thought the tool was complete garbage I wouldn’t care enough to vent about it (unless it was really widely used and terrible, but thats something for other posts). Ok, so in no particular order: